The history of Magic Square is quite old and has been very popular in the ancient times. There has been found different theories behind it in different countries. Magic Square exist over 4000 years and has been used in several countries in different fields such as astrology, mathematics, astronomy etc. It has been very popular in Chinese, Indian, Greeks, Babylonian, Egyptian and American culture. Several research has been done to solve this mysterious game throughout the world such as USA, India, China, Germany, England, France etc. According to Wikipedia, the third order of Magic Square 3x3 was known to Chinese mathematicians in early 190 BCE and the fourth order of Magic Square 4x4 was found in India in 587 CE. Different names of magic square has been given by different researchers, mathematicians and scientists. The idea of Magic Square has been used in devotion, prayers and prevention against diseases & natural disasters. To find out more about the history, have a look on to Wikipedia where you will find in details.