Magic Square
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Properties of Magic Square

Magic Square - Properties

The properties of Magic Square will help you understand how the game works and how can you solve the puzzle. Likewise several mathematics theories it has some properties which are quite easy to understand and learn. There are 3 major properties of Magic Square and on the basis of these properties, Magic Square Puzzles can be solved.

Addition Law

The Addition Law of Magic Square describes that when you add same number to the numbers present in Primary or Standard or Derived Magic Square puzzle, the result will be a Magic Square with a new Magic Constant. This can be illustrated with the figure below:


Subtraction Law

The Subtraction Law of Magic Square describes that when you subtract with same number to the numbers present in Primary or Standard or Derived Magic Square puzzle, the result will be a Magic Square with a new Magic Constant. This can be illustrated with the figure below:


Multiplication Law

The Multiplication Law of Magic Square describes that when you multiply with same number to the numbers present in Primary or Standard or Derived Magic Square puzzle, the resultant will be a Magic Square with a new Magic Constant. This can be illustrated with the figure below:


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